Standard Names for Offices and Ministries
Revised April 2020
Below is a list of the standard names for departments and ministries within the Chancery. Also included are the various related corporate entities.
Archbishop, Office of the (ABO)
Archives and Records, Office of (ARC)
Auxiliary Bishops, Office of the (BIS)
Catholic Cemeteries, Office of (CEM)
Catholic Schools, Office of (CSO)
Chancellor, Office of the (CHN)
Child and Youth Protection, Office of (OCYP)
--Safe Environment
--Victim Assistance
Communications, Office of (COM)
Divine Worship, Office for (ODW)
Facilities Management, Office of (FAC)
Finance, Office of (FIN)
Formation and Discipleship, Office of (OFD)
--Adult Ministry & Adult Faith Formation
--Campus Ministry
--Hospital Ministry
--Marriage and Family Ministry
--Pastoral Care Ministry
--Professional Development
--Religious Education
--Young Adult Ministry
--Youth Ministry
Georgia Bulletin, The (GAB)
Human Resources, Office of (HR)
Information Technology, Office of (IT)
Intercultural Ministries, Office of (OIM)
Judicial Vicar, Office of the (JVC)
Life, Dignity, and Justice, Office of (OLDJ)
--Disabilities Ministry
--Justice and Peace Ministries
--Prison and Jail Ministry
--Respect Life Ministry
Metropolitan Tribunal (MTR)
Operations, Office of (COO)
Permanent Diaconate, Office of the (PER)
Planning and Research, Office of (PRO)
Priest Personnel, Office of (PPO)
--Ongoing Formation of Priests
Stewardship, Office of (STE)
Vicar for Religious, Office of the (VCR)
Vicars General, Office of the (VCG)
Vocations, Office of (VOC)
Other Entities
AOA Campus Ministries Trust
AOA Canon 281.2 Trust
AOA Common Fund Trust
AOA Group Health Care Plan Trust
AOA Literary Rights Corporation
AOA Properties Holding, Inc.
Archdiocese of Atlanta Deposit & Loan Fund Trust
Archdiocese of Atlanta Parish Real Estate Trust
Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Atlanta (CCA)
Catholic Construction Services, Inc. (CCSI)
Catholic Continuing Care Retirement Communities, Inc. (CCCRC)
Catholic Education of North Georgia, Inc. (CENGI)
The Catholic Foundation of North Georgia, Inc. (CFNGA)
Catholic Housing Initiatives, Inc. (CHI)
Catholic Mutual Insurance (CMI)
Catholic Retirement Facilities, Inc. (CRF)
G.R.A.C.E. Scholars, Inc.
Nuestra Fe Broadcasting, Inc.
RCAA Administrative Services, Inc.
Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta, Inc.
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