This article contains information on the setup, configuration and use of the Enersound CS-300 Conference microphone system
1. Keep the main controller box powered OFF until all microphones and other equipment has been deployed and connected. "Hot swapping" (i.e. connecting equipment when the controller is powered on) can severely damage the controller box
2. No more than 25 microphones should be daisy-chained off of the Trunk 1 or 2 ports and the system can only support a total of 50 microphones at any one time.
3. When using the system in conjunction with an online conferencing tool (i.e. Teams) and the optional red U-CONTROL controller is used, be sure to pay attention to the color-coded markings so that the controller is connected properly ...
... making sure the USB cable is plugged into the blue USB extension cable coming out of the podium ....
4. Once all cables/equipment have been connected, the controller can be powered on. Once on, the controller setting should be in "OPEN MODE" ...
For further details, the user's manual has been attached to this document.
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